• 4818-50 Ave, Box 115, St. Paul, Alberta T0A3A0
  • +1 (437) 438-8724
  • info@overcomersfamilypavilion.org


1. Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you increase my faith just as the apostles asked. Luke 17:5 2. Father, by faith, help me to subdue every mountain of impossibilities surrounding me. Mark 11:23. 3. Father, empower me by the Holy Spirit to always be patient in

Enlarge your FAITH potential for greater impact in life  – Part 2

Welcome to the new month of August, our month of supernatural enlargements. God will take us to greater heights this month as we continue to build our faith. As we learned last week, we have been called to a continuous walk of faith by the Lord, doing everything possible to