Enlarge your FAITH potential for greater impact in life – Part 2
Welcome to the new month of August, our month of supernatural enlargements. God will take us to greater heights this month as we continue to build our faith. As we learned last week, we have been called to a continuous walk of faith by the Lord, doing everything possible to build upon our faith at all times for daily victories and all-around fulfillment in every area of our lives.
Little faith, little results, big faith, big results, and great faith will lead to great results.
So how do we continue to build our faith?
This is a vital subject and even the Apostles of Jesus Christ asked him one day that He should increase their faith. Luke 17:5 – “And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith”.
At this time, they knew their faith was not just enough yet, they wanted to see an increase and an upward review of their faith. Their faith is lacking in doing certain things, they perhaps are not getting enough results. These folks were with Jesus all the time but their results were not commensurate with what they have around them.
Do you feel like that sometimes?
The forces that build our faith.
Let us consider three ingredients that are required for us to build up our faith.
1. Take giant steps of faith and exercise yourself in faith.
Put your faith to work by obeying what the Word says. We must be a doer of the Word. By doing that, you are putting your faith to work. James 2:18-22 Obedience to the scriptures is one of the authentic proofs that we believe in God. So start to take giant steps and before you know it, you begin to accomplish great things for God. Without taking a step, you cannot cover a mile of distance.
2. Build and learn patience.
You must be patient. Faith though is now but without any contradiction, faith needs patience. In patience, we grow, we learn, we are corrected, and we are encouraged, strengthened and empowered to get better results.
They got the promise by faith but through patience. – Hebrews 6:12
3. Love for God and strong devotion to Him
Love and passion for God build up our faith in God. The more dedicated and devoted we are to God, the more we increase our faith towards Him. At this time, because you are so close to Him, you begin to talk like Him, see like Him and walk like Him. At this point, you don’t see impossibilities again. You see as God sees. Mark 10:27, 1 John 4:16